Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Emerging Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Emerging Technologies - Essay Example Peer-to-peer file sharing is highly beneficial to all users and other potential users based on the intent of use. In this regard, installation of bitTorrent clients is simple, as so is the configuration of all computers on the sharing network. With this in mind, time is saved for purposes that are more constructive rather than spending extended periods working on it. In addition, all resources required for file transfer are shared amongst peers making the file transfer process efficient. This is due to the elimination of servers that store content and are more susceptible to failure, which inconveniences users (Rodrigues and Druschel 2010, p.72). For this reason, p2p allows users to continue functionally without influencing other users thus; is more reliable as compared to server based sharing. In addition, it is relatively cheap as compared to other networks due to the few resources required and elimination of additional hardware. ... Concerning business, p2p sharing can be used for intra-business collaborative project management, where participants in project share documents and personal files with one another. Non-commercially, it can be used for academic purposes to publish research works between and amongst scholars as is seen in the LionShare Project in the Pennsylvania State University (Federal Trade Commission 2005, p.5). In addition, persons or users who do not wish to charge for their content, such as musicians providing free, legal downloads or artists providing writing, art photography and other electronic content may use it. However, despite this, P2p networks are difficult to secure due to the numerous hops made by the network to reach the required files and pieces making it one of the main hurdles that the technology faces. Since p2p is widely implemented over the internet, it is relatively easy to break into using erroneous code responses at the application and network levels leading to denial of se rvice (Krebs 2009). In addition, attacks on the network could occur through where certain users would like to store information, maliciously on available nodes/ user computers against what is allowed. With this, p2p is vulnerable, and trustworthiness of files shared remains in question. In conclusion, the development of p2p has been in progress for a long time and is yet to achieve its ultimate intended goal. As a result, it is crucial to understand its working and problems behind it and by overcoming the stated challenges, the technology could advance greatly for large-scale legal use. Cloud Computing Abstract Cloud computing is a technology that

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