Friday, August 23, 2019

An Investigation into the Impact of Branding on Growth of Tablet Dissertation - 1

An Investigation into the Impact of Branding on Growth of Tablet Computer for the UK Market - Dissertation Example ideographic 24 3.3.3 Cross-sectional vs. longitudinal study 25 3.4 Data Collection Design 25 3.3.1 Qualitative vs. quantitative study 25 3.4 Sampling Design 26 3.4.2 Variables 29 3.5 Data Collection, Measurement & Analysis 31 3.5.1 Sample size and instrument for data collection 31 3.5.2 Scaling 32 3.5.3 Ethical Issues in Collection of Data 32 3.5.4 Data Analysis Technique 32 3.6 Conclusion 33 References 34 Appendix 1-A: Questions for Interview 38 Questionnaire for Interview 38 Appendix 1-B: Questionnaire for Survey 41 Questionnaire on Consumer Perception 41 Table of Figures Figure 1: Literature review process flow followed for this study (reference) 5 Figure 2: The concept of branding (VanAuken, B., 2004) 7 Figure 3: The branding scene below is shown on Egyptian Tomb walls dating back to 2,000 B.C. 8 Figure 4: Belief and perception systems in humans 9 Figure 5: Brand archetype triggers and benefits 10 Figure 6: Three dimensions of benefits in positioning technology brands 15 Figure 7 : Operating systems of the current tablets in the market. 17 Figure 8: Three important markets for tablet PCs 18 Figure 9: Primary research process for the study 21 Figure 10: Decision making queries for research design 23 Figure 11: The sampling designing process 27 Figure 12: Variables chosen to be measured for the study 30 List of Tables Table 1: Branding in technology markets vs. consumer packaged goods markets 13 Table 2: Tablets currently in the market 16 Table 3: Comparison of quantitative and qualitative research on key issues 26 Table 4: Key terms in sampling and population 27 Photo Credit Cover page: Onion in page 8: Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the entire dissertation, starting with the background of the study that brings out the phenomenon of study. This is foll owed by a delineation of the need of such a study and its significance, which then leads to formation of the research question and setting the aims and objectives of the study. Subsequently, the chapter deals with a brief description of the research methods to be adopted for the study covering such issues as the research design, sampling, data collection and analysing. 1.2 Background In the information age, two things have invaded into most of individual’s life – one is a mobile phone, and the other a PC. Over the decades, the need for diminishing size and increasing mobility of the personal computer; and increasing size and functionality of the mobile has given rise to the birth of Tablet PC. In other words, a tablet PC can be seen as a blend between a mobile phone and a PC that has evolved from consumers’ preference for larger and larger mobile phones and smaller and sleeker laptops. With the release of iPad in April 2010, Apple created a revolution of table c omputers, even though a host of other companies such as Dell Streak, Samsung Galaxy tab, Blackberry PlayBook, HP Tablet, Asus Eee

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