Saturday, August 10, 2019

A Little Line of Thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Little Line of Thought - Essay Example Lines mark the every day boundaries that people cross. Whenever we travel, we come across numerous types of divisions and limits that many may not even pay attention to, and everyday, we come across millions of naturally occurring demarcations, boundaries and divisions in the physical world. A line represents any type of demarcation that separates two things physically. These are geographical boundaries exists between states, cities, counties, countries, and even continents. An example of this is the phrase "county line" which marks political territory and boundary of a county. Thus, it also limits the county's sovereign, area of responsibility, and subject. One of the largest examples of a line, literally and figuratively, would be the Equator. This imaginary line across the circumference of Earth, divides the entire Earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres. From county and city lines to the Equator, our world is teeming with lines, many of which lie outside the physical world. These lines clearly demarcate and denote the existence of partition or boundaries in a locality. A line also denotes the separation of different functions when used in an economic sense. It is used profusely in the world of manufacturing where it represents a series of persons arranged to perform certain tasks in order to create a final product. This is described as the "assembly line" or "manufacturing line." The best known form of an assembly line was created by Henry Ford. It is an arrangement of employee which specializes in performing small tasks in the creation of a certain product. This definition of line embodies an ordered system of operations that allow for the sequential manufacture of goods at their various stages of production. Each individual in this type of line assists in assembling one product, by performing a certain small task, adding to the finished product. An assembly line, therefore, speaks of a separation of functions within the line itself and on the other line. For example, the two product lines produced by a company indicate the separation of two diff erent functional areas with the same manufacturing department. The word line also describes two opposing ideas which are debatable. A line can be an official or prescribed policy that takes place in the political arena. This describes an agenda of a political party, as well as specific ideological elements specific to the organization's partisanship. The word "party line" clearly exemplifies this. The term is used profusely in the chapter of politics, especially in the world today, where the division along political platforms are fierce. It describes the set of beliefs or agendas, policies that are representative of any political division or organization. A prime example of a party line could be the minimum wage policy of the Republican Party in the U.S. today. Many conservatives (Republicans) favor a policy of letting the free market establish wages, and some maintain there should be no minimum wage at all. When used in the political aspects, line represents the opposition between existing political ideologies and becomes the basis in the crea tion of laws. The word line is exceptionally useful when describing items or concepts related to war or battle. A line is the battle

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