Monday, October 21, 2019

Personal Skills Development in the Teamwork

Personal Skills Development in the Teamwork Introduction In the modern world, organizations are increasingly becoming active and uneven (Barthe 2010, p. 94). Instabilities force organizations to form groups and teams that are expected to work together in order to achieve organizational goals and objectives. An organization relies on teams and groups in delivering services to clients.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personal Skills Development in the Teamwork specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There is increased complexity regarding the composition of teams, skill requirement, and risk management. In high reliability organizations such as the telecommunication company, teamwork plays a critical role in enhancing service delivery. A small mistake would result in serious losses, as well as complaints from customers. Working in a team enabled me to learn various coping skills (Horlick-Jones 1995, p. 310). I realized that teamwork is a tool that can be utilized to achieve high results. In the Nigerian network industry, competition is stiff implying that organizations must develop some strategies in order to outsmart their competitors. MRN employs teamwork in order to conquer its rivals. Working with other experts in the organization assisted me in understanding that teamwork entails three strategies. One of the strategies employed in enhancing teamwork is grouping individuals according to capabilities. This is upon realization that people differ in terms of talent. For instance, I was placed under the supervision of a network professional, with adequate skills on matters related to networking. This was to ensure that I learn the basics of networking in detail. In the team, there were individuals with task-oriented skills while others were team-oriented. It was the role of the manager to balance the two groups (Geschwind 2001, p. 69). In the team, the management ensured that organizational goals are achieved by modifying the tasks of indivi duals and the organization structure. This was to ensure workflow in the organization. Team competency was guaranteed in the organization through continuous training. The management at MRN capitalized on team training in enhancing team performance. Scholars define team training as the application of set of instructions that depend on well-tested apparatus. This apparatus includes simulator, lectures, and videos. In the organization, the management ensured that employees are provided with relevant training lessons each week. The main aim of management was to ensure that team training replicates the general values of learning theory.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In this regard, training was meant to present information regarding basic group behaviors. Training provided team members with a chance to practice the skills they learned on a weekly basis. Working u nder the supervision of an expert was vital to my career because I could get feedback as regards to my performance (Dressel 2001, p. 39). Drawing on relevant theory and concepts, would this be described as a group or a team? Usually, there is a difference between a group and a team. However, many people fail to note the difference. A team is internally structured while the group is externally structured. A team has objectives, with tasks for each team member. On the other hand, a group is a collection of individuals who share the same objective. It may include people with similar interests. In the organization, all employees belong to a group because their major interest is to earn a salary. A number of scholars have designed theories to explain the behavior of individuals in a team. However, Tuckman’s theory is the only outstanding theory that explains the activities of individuals in a team precisely (Drake, Wong Salter 2007, p. 1975). The theory suggests that a team devel ops through various stages. When an individual joins an organization, he or she becomes an automatic group member. The employee might be an underperformer but would still be a group member. Through clear stages, such an employee would develop to become a team player. From a group, a cohesive and a task-focused team would be formed. In a small group of employees, a certain structure characterizes the group. Within the group, there is a clear task for each member. Groups evolve into teams in stages. Tuckman identified four stages as illustrated in the following graph. Forming is the first stage (Chandra 2009, p. 76). Source: TuckmanAdvertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Personal Skills Development in the Teamwork specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Identify and critically reflect on the relationship between the objectives of the project/ significant operational task and your individual role and objectives The main object ive of the project was to devise, develop, and authenticate the idea of applying opportunistic networks and relevant cognitive management structures for efficient use in future internet. The project aimed at tackling a number of problems, which were correlated to the project. The objectives of the project compared closely with my personal objectives (Biswas 2011, p. 101). In my group, I requested the management to assign to me roles that were consistent with my skills. In the global market, networking is one of the new investments that have attracted the attention of many businesspersons. Networking system provides a new way of communicating. For instance, through networking, it is possible to transfer important information, including quality images. My major objective was to study the major challenges facing the internet industry since it is very important as far as e-commerce is concerned. By working in the organization, I would evaluate the effects of networking on small business es across the country. Therefore, my broad objective was similar to the main objective of the organization, which was to develop the most effective networking system. The new system would benefit from the new technological innovations, such as the invention of Smartphone. The new networking system would help in improving the performance of various sectors, such as education, tourism, and e-commerce (Barry 2005, p. 17). Apart from the general objective, the organization had four minor objectives, which were also related to mine. The organization aimed at utilizing the new software, such as digital library, to reach out to customers. Through the new software, the company would distribute networking techniques to willing customers. Since projects must aim at benefiting the society, the organization aspired to design a culturally accepted project. Therefore, the organization had to study the cultural aspects of various communities (Carlin 2009, p. 77). Projects are sometimes resisted be cause they do not comply with the norms and values of the locals. Similarly, I always believe that any project must comply with cultural issues such as religion, norms, and principles of the locals. In Nigeria, cultural values influence the performance of the company in many ways. People would be reluctant to consume products and services produced by a culturally controversial company. The company had objective of incorporating the project to the educational system. This would help many scholars in their various fields.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Though I had my own objectives, I always ensured that the objectives of the organization are given priority. My interaction with other members of the organization was very strong and productive. Since I am a natural leader, I was always confident that everything would work out for me. Therefore, I had to control my feelings and actions in order to create a healthy work milieu. I always ensured that I communicate with relevant sections in time. Moreover, communication between employees and the managers was encouraged in the organization. I used the policy to form strong ties with the management and other members of the organization. Whenever I face any difficulty, I could reach out to the management to explain myself. I used my strong interpersonal skills to ask questions to experts. Since I understand that experience cannot be obtained by simply sitting in the office and following orders, I ensured that I visit the experts in other sections of the organization to learn more regardin g the performance of the organization. Leaders in the organization were very helpful because they always ensured that employees are comfortable. They always updated employees on what was happening in the organization. Through this interactive relationship, leaders could easily identify and solve problems in time. In fact, the rapport between workers and the management was very strong. Moreover, employees respected each other and always embraced the spirit of teamwork. This was helpful to my development since I learned that communication plays an important role in achieving individual and organizational goals. In the networking organization, leaders were frequently asking questions to employees. It was very important because it gave employees a chance to express themselves. In fact, leaders were full of self-confidence and self-esteem. The type of interaction supported in the organization made each employee comfortable. It even encouraged employees to communicate among themselves. Wh enever an issue emerged, employees were open to face the leader without the fear of victimization. Whenever the management was approached with a question, answers would be provided instantly. Leaders were so receptive because they never dismissed any one for asking an irrelevant question. In other words, leaders had enough time to listen to the problems of employees. In some organizations, leaders are always against the idea of asking questions. They would only prefer that people should follow company rules strictly. Drawing on relevant theory and concepts, and with reference to 1b, evaluate how interacting with your colleagues is helpful Interaction between the management and employees was always encouraged because it helped in generating efficiency. Workers were encouraged to post their suggestions to the management without necessarily following the bureaucratic procedures. An effective communication channel helped the organization in solving serious problems. The leaders could as k employees to explain their problems even before employees could complain. In this regard, employees thought that the leaders of the organization were caring and were concerned about the plight of employees. Unlike in many organizations, leaders at the telecommunication company asked questions personally. In other places, leaders utilize the services of the internet, such as the email, to communicate with their juniors. In this forms of communication, employees are reluctant to express facts in their messages. They would tend to respond in a way suggesting that they loyal to their bosses. However, verbal communication is very important because it allows the leader to study the attitude of an employee. In other words, the employee has an opportunity of assessing the tone and nonverbal cues of the communication. This allows the communicators in the organization to understand the communication situation. Through face-to-face communication, leaders would be able to explain their intent ions more clearly. Additionally, the leader would receive a comprehensive answer and would seek clarification. In the organization, face-to-face communication was adopted because not all employees are good writers. Some are employees are good communicators only if given a chance to express themselves verbally. Looking back on the project/ significant operational task, what would be done differently and why? Regarding the project, many things would be done differently if given an opportunity to head the project. However, the management implemented it the way it was because of lack of time and resources. Given an opportunity to implement the project, I will follow the ten basic principles of project management. In the first place, I would concentrate on interfacing. This would entail exploring all available options before choosing the implementation technique. Secondly, I would organize the project team and ensure that resources are availed in time. In the organization, resources were not availed in time, which hindered the implementation process. For funds to be released, the project committee had to wait for some time. Such delays are usually harmful to the implementation process. In the organization, those charged with the designing and implementation of the project never planned technically and strategically. This aspect of project management would produce high results. Moreover, I would have incorporated Murphy’s Law in implementing the project. Even though the organization followed the law, a few aspects were left out. For instance, not all stakeholders were identified. The management was not ready to handle conflicts. Conflicts are very dangerous to the survival of projects. However, the telecommunication company was not prepared to resolve any serious conflict. This is because measures were not yet in place to counter any conflict (Carter 2000, p. 330). The original skills audit, and PDP. This should be included within the appendices and summarize d within the main body to the report In the telecommunications company in Nigeria, I acquired various skills that are vital to my career. I must admit that acquisition of these skills called for hard work and perseverance. I must also admit that the group members were supportive. This helped me in acquiring managerial skills easily. The first skill pertains to time and organization. Time is one of the skills that people find it difficult to adapt. In the organization, time is an essential resource, which is carefully measured in terms of hours, minutes, and seconds. Lateness is not tolerated at all, and all those found reporting at work late are punished severely. The organization can cancel the day’s wages if an individual fails to give a valid reason for lateness. To some extent, I was an organized person since I scored three out of the possible maximum of five. However, I was a poor timekeeper since I always reported to work late. Moreover, I never handed in assignments in time. The management praised me for being an organized person because I was always neat and clean. In matters related to time and organization, the major indicators were timely completion of paperwork, prioritizing company tasks, the ability to handle interruptions and management of the timetable. In terms of handling pressure, I was rated the best, but I could not manage my timetable well. This is because of family commitments. However, I can improve my skills when given sufficient time and support. I believe that I will score a high grade when given another chance to work in the company (Andrzej Buchaman 2007, p. 26). Decision-making and problem solving skills were also considered to be of value in the company. Therefore, the company kept a record of each person as regards to conflict resolution mechanisms. In this field, I scored the highest mark because I had four out of the possible five marks. My decision-making skills were strong because I generated solutions to various pro blems whenever called upon to do so. For instance, I was depended upon in making decisions related to customer complain. I could offer the best solutions that would be incorporated by the section manager. In any organization, evaluation of available options is critical to making strong decisions. In the organization, I never had problems choosing the best decisions. I would simply analyze an event and choose which style, method, or model to apply. Even though I was rated the highest in terms of decision-making and conflict resolution, I still believe that more needs to be done. I wish to work hard in order to perform extremely well in this field. Another skill acquired while in the organization is planning. Planning entails putting everything in order. The role I was assigned to needed a lot of planning. The management observed that I was a good planner and decided to give me a score of four out five (Panagariya 2008, p. 32). It was suggested that I have strong planning skills. Plan ning entails leading the teams, consulting team members, allocating tasks and setting objectives. Regarding task allocation, the management commented on my skills since I collaborated well with other members of my team to come up with a strong suggestion. This was achieved through consulting team members, offering strong leadership skills, and setting objectives that are similar to those of the organization. Planning is critical to the success of any project. Through proper planning, an individual would save time, resources, and energy. Other skills included delegation, motivation, coaching, target setting, interpersonal skills, written skills, and oratory skills. In written and oratory skills, I scored three out of five. In oratory skills, it was claimed that I was weak in presenting ideas, using the telephone, and attending meetings. However, I understood the structure and the format of speaking. Regarding written communication, I did not score more because I was unable to check c ompany blogs frequently. However, I followed the company proceedings through memos and reports. I scored a high mark in interpersonal skills meaning that I could easily form relationships with other members of the team. For instance, I was sensitive to the needs of other team players meaning that I responded positively to the views of others. Moreover, I scored high because I am a good listener (Wellington 2001, p. 79). Through listening, I was able to understand the problems of others in the organization. In many organizations, the greatest challenge for employees is to relate with their seniors. This was never a problem to me. Though I was rated high in terms of setting targets, I was a bit weak in offering coaching services to other staff members. A review of resources and activities used to develop those skills. You should comment on how useful these resources and activities were in developing the identified skills. If additional resources and activities were identified, post th e submission of the original PDP you should also comment on these A review of resources suggests that the organization provided its employees with adequate materials that helped them cope with the organization challenges. For each skill, the organization had resources. Regarding time management and teamwork, the organization provided materials that helped in reviewing the activities of the previous week. Such materials would always be circulated on Friday. For instance, the organization provided sites with critical information regarding time management. The management made it mandatory for all employees to attend time management course before joining the organization. The course was meant to give new individuals adequate time management skills. Apart from issuing critical information on time management, each employee was supposed to discuss with his line supervisor matters related to lateness (Weiss 2011, p. 23). The management provided enough information on areas perceived to be wi th weaknesses. For my case, coaching was another skill that I had to improve. Just like in time management, the management provided me with several websites containing critical information on coaching skills. I had to visit the sites at least one per every two weeks. However, this was not considered an effective tool to sharpen the skills of a trainee (Tanke 2000, p. 65). Each trainee with coaching weakness was required to work with his or her supervisor for a period not exceeding one month. During this period, the trainee would learn coaching skills from the supervisor and try as much as possible to apply the same skills before embarking on normal work. No trainee would be allowed to move on without mastering coaching skills. The requirements were helpful to some of us who had coaching weaknesses. Delegation was considered a complex skill and therefore, each trainee was to work hard to achieve this skill. I was instructed to delegate a role to one of my colleagues at least once per week. I was also supposed to issue clear instructions, using understandable language. Since it is one of the challenging skills to acquire, trainees were required to dig deeper into their pockets to fund delegation-training program. However, online training institutions conduct the program. Therefore, each trainee facing problems in the field was to subscribe to an online training program that would last for one month. To ensure that the trainee understands something, the line supervisor instructed colleagues to forward their feedback for analysis (Suzuki Dastur, Moffatt Yabuki 2009, p. 12). A review of the skills developed Review of the skills reveals that the organization is committed to improving the leadership styles of trainees. The skills I acquired from the institution are incomparable to any other sets of skills. The management was always friendly and willing to listen to the problems facing trainees. Scholars of communication argue that public speaking is the most difficu lt thing in the world. In fact, they argue that an individual would prefer death to speaking in public. In the organization, I gained skills regarding oral communication (Stewart 1990, p. 19). I believe that I can use the skills to conquer the world. Coaching skills are also important to the life of any individual wishing to take up managerial roles in future. I was referred to various websites that would be of great importance to my life in the future. I learned that writing and oral skills are go hand in hand. It is impossible to separate one from the other. My training with the telecommunication company was not in vain. This is because I learned a lot. However, I noted that the company suffered from delays due to inefficient system of communication. Even though the management was competent, the planning skill was still missing. It would take various days for a simple decision to be made (Steffen 2010, p. 17). It is suggested that the organization rethinks about changing its polic y as regards to planning. As shown in the flow chart below, the process of personal development entails three things. Individual and professional skills, qualities, and knowledge are developed through practice. The most important of the three is planning. It entails prioritizing some aspects. For my case, the trainee provided an opportunity to gauge my skills. Visiting the company as a trainee was the first step towards building confidence in my profession. I was able to put theories, models, and skills into effective practice. The organization gave me an opportunity to review he skills I have learned in class for several years (Minja 2009, p. 14). Skills are acquired through learning. In fact, scholars observe that it might take several years to acquire basic managerial skills such as coaching, delegating, and writing. As things stand currently, there is a cordial relationship between the implementing partners and cooperation among them can be categorized as fair. However, this mi ght change due to the time span the project is expected to take and the changing political and economical atmosphere in the world. An incident of lack of cooperation among the implementing partners can deal a fatal blow to the successful implementation of the project. This is one temptation that has previously destroyed very ambitious projects, as Kothari (2004, p. 23) states. The project faces the potential risk of introduction of new systems into the project. The purpose of this report was to help identify skills that an individual stands to benefit from working as a trainee. The responsibility of ensuring that a trainee acquires adequate knowledge and skills is the responsibility of all the concerned members of the organization. From my experience, it is clearly demonstrated that every member of the project has a role to play in the identification of skills that the trainee needs (Safizadeh, Field Ritzman 2003, p. 560). It can be concluded that skills are hard to fetch but are e asy to maintain. Members of the organization were supportive in ensuring that employees acquire adequate skills and knowledge. However, this task should not be left to one department. It is important that the management develop some measures to counter challenges that impede skill development (Shachaf 2008, p. 132). The management has an extra responsibility of ensuring that employees acquire knowledge in the organization. List of References Andrzej, A Buchaman, A 2007, Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall, London. Barry, M 2005, Crises in the Contemporary Persian Gulf, Routledge, New York. Barthe, G 2010, Verification, Model Checking, and Abstract Interpretation, Springer, New York. Biswas, S 2011, â€Å"Commitment, involvement, and satisfaction as predictors of employee performance,† South Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 18, no. 2, pp 92-107. 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