Saturday, October 12, 2019

Canada and The Great Depression of the 1930s Essay -- Canadian Histor

1929-1939- The Great Depression The depression years of 1929 - 1939 proved to be the worst, and some of the best years for Canada and Canadians. It was a time of extreme highs and lows socially, emotionally, and economically. It was a time that Canada came into her own being on the world wide stage. During the worst depression years in Canada, there were many people who tried tirelessly to get Canada out of the crisis she was in more quickly and efficiently. William Aberhart and his group of supporters had a plan that they were sure could help and even end the depression and its horrible effects. His theory was if a twenty-five dollar cheque was given monthly to each family, it would alleviate their financial fears and jumpstart the economy. Having confidence in his idea, he went to share it with both political parties. Unfortunately, both parties rejected the idea; saying money would only become more worthless. Even after running and being elected as Premier of Alberta, the resolution was not accepted because of the overwhelming responsibility towards the federal government. Even though Aberhart’s plan was not put into action, there were many others like him whose voiced opinions and ideas encouraged the end of the depression. William Lyon MacKenzie King was a main contributor towards leading Canada out of the depression. When the depression started, King was still in the position of Prime Minister; so when the election of the 1930’s came, King had a new opponent. His opponents name was Richard Bennett. Bennett suggested that tariffs should be raised, and that the wealthy and stable should give to the poor; while King was campaigning for lower tariffs, attempting to help those who were poor and needy without taking from ... ... and it was to operate just like any other kind of insurance, such as life or fire insurance. Premiums and benefits were to be carefully calculated and paid out to those who required assistance. The Act also created the National Employment Service to help the unemployed find work. Overall, the Great depression was a hard time for most Canadians, and the concept of unemployment insurance brought Canada to the world wide stage. Whether it is Prime Ministers opening relief programs, events which supported the upbringing of our country, the inventions which boosted our economy in giving us more trade, or the Depression in general, the whole period of time starting from the market crash to revival was the event which Canada showed the world that we are strong and not easily crushed. Therefore, the key event in this decade is the Great Depression and the acts towards it.

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