Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on An Evaluation of Grease - 1310 Words

An Evaluation of Grease My film that I choose was Grease because it contains music, dancing and humor. It is a cross between comedy and teen movies. It is a tribute to the Broadway show of the 1950s. It was directed by Randal Klieser and was released on July 7th 1978. The music and dance scenes are what attracted me to Grease. My favorite characters are John Travolta and Jeff Conaway who play Danny and Kenickie. I like these two because they are your typical high school popular boys who are always looking out for each other, looking good and they are always trying to get the beautiful girls but at the same time acting cool like it doesnt bother them. I had high expectations of Grease and I†¦show more content†¦Secondly genre is the French word meaning type. Genres may be approached by way of various critical avenues. In the Aristotelian strain we recognize genres as kinds within a system of classification. These categories beg further definition, so there is a history of, on the one hand, the re finement of divisions and subdivisions, and on the other a Platonic search for the essential qualities of tragedy, comedy, epic poetry, and so forth. By the recognition of genres we begin to find our way in the universe of verbal artifacts with their feigned discourses, and to train our expectations upon the experience that lies in wait for us. Greases genre is a hybrid genre because it is a cross between a comedy, a teen movie and romantic. Lastly representation is the act of representing or the state of being represented. Also it is something that represents an image, an account or statement, an expostulation or a presentation or production. For example the representation of the characters in Grease varies. Sandy is portrayed as a pure and innocent girl but on the other hand Rizzo is portrayed as a bad girl who is always getting into trouble and wont take anything from no one. Also Rizzo is sometimes mean to SandyShow MoreRelatedAccounting Procedures For Problem Evaluation Essay1670 Words   |  7 Pages2.4 PROCEDURES FOR PROBLEM EVALUATION In general, the problems detailed in the EPA manual are those most commonly encountered. However, the procedures mentioned in the EPA manual can be used for any type of problem evaluation. The first step in problem evaluation is to determine if the plant is meeting design performance standards by comparing its effluent quality and overall removal efficiencies with those specified by the design. If the plant does not routinely meet performance specificationsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Grease1547 Words   |  7 PagesGrease: The Journey of Adolescence. The movie Grease is about seniors at Rydell High School who are trying to find who they want to be while not giving up the identity they have already formed. Finding love while trying not to look weak for having emotions. 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